The best water for preparing baby formula
After choosing the right formula with our expert help here at Onlyformula.com, you now face the task of choosing the right water to combine the formula with. It is a question asked to us often by parents, so we put together this informative guide to help you understand how important it is to understand the differences in water and what’s best.
It is strongly recommended that water should be boiled before it is mixed with formula so that any harmful bacteria within the water or formula can be killed by keeping as many minerals as possible.
Tap Water
Tap water, when boiled, is a safe option which is convenient as it’s right there in the kitchen, just as long as it hasn’t sat out on the side for a while. Fluoride is usually added to tap water in most areas, however, a surplus of this would cause enamel fluorosis in children; it causes white streaks on their teeth.
There are a lot of parents out there that alternate between distilled or filtered water and tap water with fluoride in, as a good balance. The best tap water is one that only has a fluoride level of 0.7mg per liter, and this can be found by calling the local authorities to find this information.
Bottled Water
It could be that you’re out and about when it’s feeding time, so you don’t have access to the tap water you would have if you were at home. Bottled water is safe to use to mix with the formula, though make sure you choose one with low sodium and sulfate. Sodium levels must be less than 200mg per liter and sulfate must be less than 250mg per liter.
Filtered Water
This type of water is also safe to use with your baby’s formula. To get filtered water, there are plenty of options to buy water pitchers with quick water filtration systems, you just have to make sure the filters are changed regularly. There is a graphic from the Environmental Working Group that shows which filters are best and safest to use, as different types of filters have different contaminants.
As an example, if you want to filter the fluoride, then the filter needed would have a water purification process created to remove fluoride effectively.
Preparing Baby Formula
You have your formula, you have chosen the water based on your needs and situation, and now you have to prepare the formula. The three steps in the progress are:
- Boiling water
Wash your hands and sterilize your equipment before you start, then you can bring one liter of water to boil for a minute, to make sure there are no harmful bacteria in the water. It should then be cooled down to at least 104 degrees Fahrenheit, but it cannot be left out for more than 30 minutes.
- Mixing the formula
When it comes to combining the formula, always follow instructions on the formula package to put the right amount of formula into the water mixture that is in the baby bottle. We have a formula feeding chart on our website that you can use to help you determine how much formula you should use and the amount of water you use. After it’s all in, put the lid and teet on and just shake for about 15 seconds to ensure it is mixed well. Before feeding your baby, make sure the mix is not above 98.6F by putting a few drops on the inside of your wrist. If you find it too warm, place the bottle under the cold tap and leave it there for a minute which should cool it down.
- Storing prepared formula
After feeding, if there is any remaining formula in the bottle, then discard it as the bacteria can still grow - even in cool places such as your fridge. There is a way for you to prepare the formula in advance without this happening.
- A bottle cannot be let out for more than two hours if at room temperature
- A bottle can be stored for a maximum of four hours if it’s in a cooler
- No more than 24 hours if it’s in the fridge.
- Never freeze it
The formula that is room temperature or slightly cold is safe enough for your formula to be drunk by the baby. The best way to warm a baby bottle up is by placing it in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes. You can never warm them up in the microwave because it can cause hot spots that will burn your baby’s mouth.
Safety and Nutrition
Babies grow rapidly so they need a lot of energy, so with the right knowledge, food source, pure water, nutritious formula, and clean equipment, you can provide the best nutrition for your child. If you’re still unsure, then use our live chat or send us an email as we’re more than happy to help.
What you need to know about toddler formula
As your child gets to 10-12 months old, you will have to change the formula you use so you can provide the right nutrients and vitamins for your growing baby. This is the reason we have stage 3 formulas for toddlers - to make sure your toddler has the best food to grow. Our high-quality formulas provide all the vitamins and minerals needed. Below is more information on toddler formulas to help you make the best decision for your child.
What is toddler formula?
Formula, known as toddler milk, is a formula scientifically designed to give your growing toddler the best vitamins and nutrients; many infant formula brands have toddler formulas too - it is also called stage 3 formulas and follow-on milk.
As it tailors to the needs of toddlers, as does infant formulas, it is regulated by the European Commission and the US’s Food and Drug Administration, through the EC has stricter regulations when it comes down to it and so there are no unhealthy additives within them.
This is why a lot of parents buy European formulas.