European Baby Formula vs American Baby Formula

European Baby Formula vs American Baby Formula

Comparisons are often made between European and American baby formulas due to the different rules and regulations that govern them. But what does organic baby formula really consist of? And what makes European baby formula better than formula from the US?

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HiPP vs Holle Formula

HiPP vs Holle Formula

When shopping around for HiPP and Holle formula, it is important to know exactly what you are buying and how they compare to other options on the market. That’s why we have put together an all-you-need-to-know guide on HiPP vs Holle, and the pros and cons of each option. Enjoy!

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Our Top Six Tips For Dealing With Gassy Infants

Our Top Six Tips For Dealing With Gassy Infants

Let’s be honest, everyone’s life is a whole lot easier when your baby isn’t grumpy – including Mom, Dad, and especially the infant themselves. One of the most common causes of those infant grumps is our old friend… gas. Fortunately, we have compiled our top tips to reduce infant trapped gas and to deal with it when it happens.

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New mothers and Postpartum depression (PPD)

New mothers and Postpartum depression (PPD)

Becoming a new mother can trigger countless emotions. From excitement, and happiness to fear and nervousness. If your feelings of sadness have taken over your daily life, you may be experiencing ‘postpartum depression.

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Breast Milk vs Formula

Breast Milk vs Formula

One of the earliest choices a parent often makes for their newborn child is whether to feed them with breast milk or formula. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that many parents also want to know which one is better, and how closely formula mimics natural breast milk.

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62 Facts About Breastfeeding For Moms

62 Facts About Breastfeeding For Moms

When it comes to breastfeeding, you can never have too much information. After all, this is your little one’s most natural source of food we are talking about. So, if you have ever wondered how breastfeeding actually works, why it is so healthy, and the statistics behind it, you have come to the right place! Here are our 62 facts about breastfeeding for moms!

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A guide to formula feeding

A guide to formula feeding

Both breast and formula feeding are healthy choices for your love bug.  The decision to formula feed, breastfeed, or do a combination of both is a personal choice. Newly minted parents are often conflicted with misconceptions and a lack of discussions on formulas which can make prepping a bottle seem like an intimidating task.

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Palm Oil in Baby Formula

Palm Oil in Baby Formula

As you’ve probably noticed when looking on the back of formulas at the ingredient list, there is usually palm oil listed. If you were to rummage through your kitchen, you’ll find many items that contain palm oil; it is a key ingredient in a lot of household plants. However, it may have made you pause and consider for a moment, given with widely known discussion in the press about palm oil and its somewhat negative effects. So, you may be wondering if it’s safe for your baby to consume.

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How is baby formula stored? Does it matter?

How is baby formula stored? Does it matter?

A question often asked by anxious parents is how the formula is stored and transported from European warehouses. The policies and practices we uphold at OnlyFormula ensure the products remain in excellent condition every step of the way - from the warehouse to your door. Here we will put your mind at ease by putting together a blog with research about formula storage and demonstrate how our supply chain puts that into practice.

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